Are you looking for a position where both staff and patients alike reward your hard work, organizational skills and health care acumen with hearty hugs and seemingly endless smiles? Then consider becoming one of two Assistant Directors of Nursing, who…
Director of Information Technology
Behind our 40,000 patients, 800 staff members and three clinics is a person with vision, an incredible skill set, and the ability to implement and maintain an information technology system and services that our region relies on to keep their…
Mission India: Dr. Nik Gohokar cares for patients 8,000 miles away
AT A MEDICAL CAMP IN CENTRAL INDIA, he helped launch a program to screen for malnutrition, high blood pressure and diabetes. At a school for the deaf, he started an innovative education program that helps kids hear with their minds.…
From high school to health care; students start medical careers early
For these students, their medical career is already under way. Seven seniors at Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical School in Easton have positions as medical assistants waiting for them at BNHC, thanks to an innovative co-op program with the school. They…