How Are We Doing?
All of us at BNHC are committed to providing you and your loved ones the best care possible, and want to know: How are we doing?
We hope you’ll take a few minutes to share your experience with us, good or bad. That way, we’ll know what we need to work on, or what staff member or department deserves extra praise. We value your feedback and address all issues as fast as we can. Thank you for helping us help you!
Here’s how to reach us
There are many ways to tell us how we are doing. One of the easiest is to use this form.
Here are other ways to tell us how we are doing:
- Contact our Patient Advocate help line at (508) 894-3205.
- Call the direct line for that department.
Patient Care and Safety Concerns
A patient who has concerns about patient care and/or safety at Brockton Neighborhood Health Center is encouraged to call any health center manager directly at (508) 894-3562, or contact us online.
If the concerns are not addressed by the health center management, then the patient is then encouraged to contact the Joint Commission directly. No repercussions or retaliation against a patient who contacts the Joint Commission can be taken by our health center, per Joint Commission standards.
Brockton Neighborhood Health Center Policy and Procedure Download
Joint Commission Contact Information
To report any concerns or register complaints with the Joint Commission’s Office of Quality Monitoring:
- Telephone Number: (800) 994-6610
- Register a complaint online with the Joint Commission